We're encouraging people to stay between the pier and our home. There are lots of quaint little rental cottages along the beach that are very reasonable this time of year. If you take a moment to review the maps I've included, your hunt for a rental will be easier. Units located on the road called "S. the Strand" are oceanfront. Units located on S. Pacific have great ocean views because S. Pacific Street is raised above to roof height of S. the Strand. Basically, the zero blocks start at the pier and we are located in the 800 block. There are really no traditional hotels that I would recommend in the area.
So any rentals with addresses between 0-800 on either S. the Strand Street or S. Pacific Street would be ideal.
Please keep in mind, Oceanside is a beach community so most of these accommodations have a relaxed atmosphere. If you prefer something a little more refined, I suggest looking at options in our neighboring town, Carlsbad. You may also wish to review the Oceanside Marina Inn. The Younis Clan will be staying there courtesy of Mr. Younis (his gift to us!). I don't know if that will discourage or encourage you to stay there. But here is the info:
Oceanside Marina Inn
2008 Harbor Dr N
Oceanside, CA 92054
(760) 722-1561
You can click on "Accommodations" under "Links and Photos" to the left to see photos I've taken of some sample rentals along S. the Strand Street and S. Pacific Street.
Here is some additional information for some of the options along the water:
308 S. the Strand: AKA Land's End. Located on the beach. We've had several people stay at Land's End and have had mixed reviews. It's very affordable at around $100/night and located centrally right on the beach, but the rooms can be tight and the beds are mediocre. email chrisatlandsend@aol.com | (760) 721-8000 | www.homeaway.com
213 S. Pacific St Sandy Beach Cottage Inn: www.sandybeachcottageinn.com (702) 234-6416. It's address is S. Pacific, but it is located right on the water. They just sent me this note:
Terri asked that I forward this new price list and let you know that she is willing to give you and your guests an additional 15% off should at least three units be rented. The website is uploaded with all the changes should you wish to visit us at www.sandybeachcottageinn.com .
Thank you,
one 2 bedroom, 2 bath
one 2 bedroom, 1 bath
one 1 bedroom, 1 bath
all have complete kitchens
Here's a note I received from a Property Manager with some reasonable rentals:
Hello Sean, Here are a few of our properties for rent that time of year.
312 S. Strand $250.00 a night sleeps 6
304 S. Pacific Street $250.00 a night sleeps 4
304 S. Pacific Street $250.00 a night sleeps 6
My friend I co-op with may have others on that street too.
You can also contact either Barksdale Properties at (760) 722-6161. They seem to have a lot of rentals in the determined area. Keep in mind, it is the off season and many of these people are happy to have someone staying at all. So, shop around. There are some great deals. I'm sorry I'm not distilling this more for you. I just want to leave some options open for the range of guests we're expecting.