I wanted to create a place that people could go to get current information for our wedding.
Content will appear on the right, where you see this text now. To the left, you will find links to all the information posted to date. It will eventually include maps, photos, instructions, registry information, dates and times. The archives hold all postings with the most recent listed towards the top.
ACCOMMODATIONS: We will be posting suggestions for accomodations soon.
TRAVEL: We recommend you fly in to CLD Carlsbad Airport (MClellan Palomar Airport). You'll save the difference in gas, parking and frustration. It's about 15 minutes from our home. Second choice is SAN San Diego Airport. We don't recommend LA airports unless you're visiting with someone there, too.
PLACE: The wedding will be held in the afternoon in a simple outdoor ceremony near the pier in Oceanside, CA followed by a family style picnic.
DATE: The date of our ceremony is now November 17, 2007. We will be planning a variety of activities November 15-18 for anyone that may be in town. I apologize to anyone I've inconvenienced by shifting the date. This date is the weekend before Thanksgiving. Of course we want each and every one of you with us to celebrate, but we truly understand the hardship of travel. If you are unable to join us, we will look forward to seeing you soon to celebrate all over again!
TIME: We haven't nailed down the exact time, but we're planning sometime between 2pm and 4pm to allow guests to fly in that morning if they like.