Details: The Ceremony

The ceremony was short and sweet. The Reverend Kelly Burt performed the ceremony on Saturday, November 17, 2007 at 4PM on the beach gazebo in Oceanside, CA near the pier. Daryl made some last minute changes to the text and Kelly did a great job including them. As, I mentioned before, the light and the temperature were just right. I selected ‘The Chairman’s Waltz’ from the ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’ soundtrack for the wedding processional music. Santos did an excellent job DJ-ing on our new little portable sound system. The song is a little eerie with an Asian undercurrent. We didn’t really rehearse, so the wedding coordinator let us know when the music was playing. Beth led first and negotiated the stairs like a pro. Phoenix was then escorted down the center isle by my sister Erica. But, no one saw it since they were still looking back at the stairs. Oops. My bad. The heart shaped ring pillow Phoenix wore is actually the ring pillow Victoria helped me make for my Mom’s wedding. We converted it to a backpack and were pleasantly surprised when the pillow looked like angel’s wings as Phoenix pranced around the apartment. I felt like it was good luck to incorporate a memento from her wedding since she has had such a blissful run with Jim. I followed chanting to myself, “don’t stumble on the stairs, don’t stumble…” Dad looked so handsome in his double-breasted suit as he met me at the bottom, hugged me deeply, kissed my cheek, said some special things and escorted me to the front. Once he hugged me, all my concerns of tripping, crying, or suffering some dress malfunction slipped away and I was in the moment.
As Carl videod the exchange of vows as the sun set in everyone’s eyes, I enjoyed the moment as much as I could. I made a conscious effort to look over the guests. I thought I would be nervous, but I was very content. Daryl suggested we ask Mom to say something to the guests in Vietnamese. She did a wonderful job improvising a beautiful greeting and said a prayer in her native language. I never thought Vietnamese sounded so eloquent as it did that day. She looked gorgeous in her beautiful ao yai in deep purple velvet. She also thanked all the guests for traveling to be with us, which was a thoughtful touch. I’m looking forward to seeing the video of that to recall what she said. But, Daryl and I were touched when on a recent visit, Jim could recount her speech almost word for word. My Dad joked he should get the chance to say a Spanish and Arabic prayer. But, if I had let both my Mom and Dad speak, you all know I would have had to pay the Reverend extra dough for the Extended Ceremony package!
You may have noticed a bizarre range of accessories adorning my person. Each piece had a special significance to me. Starting with the jewelry, the large bracelet was borrowed from Victoria after I asked her to rustle up some chunky silver and turquoise jewelry. Boy, did she deliver. The turquoise and silver is a nod to my New Mexico heritage. The necklace was made by her mother. She informed me after the wedding that the necklace was her mother’s gift to me! The turquoise earrings were hand made by my friend Laura who could not make the wedding and just celebrated her own marriage recently. I wore a turquoise and silver ring given to me by my Grandmother. And, of course, I wore my beautiful princess cut white gold engagement ring. I was trying to capture a Jean Harlowe type retro glamour look as Julie and I discovered after our day of dress shopping.
I found my dress online at a vintage reproduction boutique. It was actually my backup dress. I had another dress that Mom, Victoria and I attempted to alter when I remembered I had this dress in the closet. I had written it off because it was too tight when it originally arrived and I thought it might be too flashy for a beach ceremony with heavy beading, satin fabric and rhinestone accents. But, when I came out, Victoria and Mom practically passed out using words like “goddess” and “statuesque.” I was sold. At 5’-1” tall, any dress that can make me look statuesque will be my choice. I was aiming for the essence of the 30’s look, without looking too costume. But, I have to say when I look at the pictures, everything came together and exceeded my expectations. The drama of the dress and accessories and the scale of the bouquet were just fine in the vast scale of the beauty of the beach. To complete the look, I added what is referred to as a birdcage veil. They wanted to charge me $40 in the bridal shops for it. I found the parts to make it for less than $3. To heighten the drama, I accented the veil with a vintage brooch, freshwater pearls and some bleached peacock feathers. The feathers also tied into my bouquet. The bouquets were made by Daryl’s Mom, Donna. We used yellow mums and large sunflowers. I asked her to incorporate regular peacock feathers into Beth’s bouquet to bring out the color in her dress. And, I thought it would be nice for my bouquet to be long and tall, which is also a reference to Vietnam. She finished off the bouquets with long strands of colorful ribbons. I also gave her a bunch of brooches to select from to finish off the base of the bouquets. I think they both came out wonderfully and I got to enjoy them for the rest of the week as both flowers were exceptionally hearty. I added a little cherub pin my Grandmother sent me to one of the ribbons for good luck. I originally had super bling shoes on for the photographs, but opted for the more reliable basic satin shoes for the actual ceremony. And, I enlisted Ryan again to do my hair. She generously took the time to not only do my hair, but to touch up several other people’s hair while we waited. Victoria wore a shell necklace I made. And I caught Donna in the Jade earrings I had presented to her. If I do say so myself, she looked wonderful in them. I don’t know why I really enjoyed seeing all the Mom’s wearing their jade jewelry. I guess I just assumed the items would be tucked away somewhere in a drawer. But to see them on made me feel very special.
We had a lot of fun waiting for the ceremony to begin and had all the warmth of a gossiping beauty salon. It was all girls, with the exception of our Photographer (and now friend) Patrick. He got some wonderful unique shots that I will reveal at a later date.
The lace overcoat I wore was a concept idea I had to take all the vintage laces I had collected over the years and quilt them into a superb overcoat. The project got cut back quite a bit with grand ideas of hand stitching, beaded accents and long train. But, Lisa helped me really nail down a vision when she visited a month prior and Mom took over the assembly when she arrived. As time ran short, my expectations for the jacket really lowered. But, when I finally saw the photographs, I thought it looked like a million dollars. Mom did an incredible job finessing my original concept and altering it to fit my body and still compliment the dress underneath. And, functionally, it did add that extra bit of warmth to take the chill off as the sun disappeared. It was divine. I wore it the following day, to keep the festivities alive. That day, nephew Brett came up to me. I thought he said, “I really like your dress.” I beamed and replied, “Thank you Brett. So sweet.” Then he corrected me, “No, I said YOU really like your dress!” It was hilarious and true!
Daryl designed the men’s look. They had a last minute pants problem with the Groom and Best Man. Daryl and John went to Macy’s that morning to remedy the problem. Luckily, Macy’s was having a sale and John had the presence of mind to ask for a corrected receipt on all the items purchased the previous week. I didn’t know this, but many stores have a standing policy that they will refund you the difference if you buy something that later goes on sale. At Macy’s, it’s something like a 15 day window. We ended up getting a big hunk of change back which was a nice surprise. Daryl bought matching jackets and matching ties. Mom converted one of the men’s ties to fit little Phoenix. Ryan gave Phoenix his dapper do after he protested his Mohawk with a vehement Dapper Don’t!
Finally, we exchanged our white gold shiny bands and Reverend Kelly introduced us as we walked towards the gazebo as Mr & Mrs Wells where Phoenix waited with outstretched arms. I grabbed my same name baby and we bathed in the bubbles blown by our fans and soaked in the sunset. What a perfect moment. And, to think I ALMOST vetoed the bubbles!
Details: Sister's Breakfast

Beth wanted to plan some sort of girly get together for me since a bridal shower and bachelorette party were not feasible this year. So we thought a brunch the morning of the ceremony might be the best way to go. She asked me to describe what I wanted to accomplish with the brunch and I told her my first priority would be to get some time to get to know my new sister-in-laws and expose them to my sisters. I also included mothers and close friends on the list. Beth somehow got up at the crack of dawn and prepared a feast including three different types of quiche. She decorated with turquoise and daisies. And all this with a 5 month old!
As Erica set my hair in rollers, we ladies talked about marriage and love. I tried to crack the Wells wall of secrecy asking if they wanted to tell me anything about Daryl before I walked down the aisle. But, not a peep. So, I asked if I was making a horrible mistake and received a unanimous, “definitely not.“ So that’s good. I talked about the reason I really love Daryl. If you weren’t there, you’ll just have to wonder!
The party centered around the kitchen theme, so everyone contributed one recipe that was assembled in a scrap book for me. I look forward to having Daryl cook some of them for me. Beth provided a beautiful centerpiece comprised of a bevy of sea colored kitchen accessories with a 50’s flare. We ended up using them throughout the weekend.
I used the gathering as an opportunity to dole out some Thank You’s and gifts. I got Beth a turquoise and sterling bracelet and similar style ring and introduced her to the group. For those that missed it, she has been my best friend since Freshman year of Highschool, which she added was 20 years ago. We went on to dorm together at University of Virginia and visited each other regularly throughout our graduate years. And she is always a phone call away when I need her. I was her Maid of Honor at her wedding and now she is mine. And best of all, now we embark on the new role of being mothers together with baby boys! She felt pressure to live up to my over achieving efforts as her Maid, but I reminded her I didn’t have a brand new baby when I was helping her plan her wedding. She did a great job with her duties starting with picking a perfect complimentary dress to mine. I was very vague about giving her direction with the dress, but I thought she looked stunning while still making me feel like the center of attention. She has been a wonderful support throughout my life and we continue to grow closer. I love her very much.
I also took the opportunity to tell people about the Tea Ceremony that had occurred the day before. It was nice to see Marion wearing her Jade pendant at the breakfast. I really felt connected to her as a daughter at that moment. And, I was pleased to see it flattered her nicely. Although I didn’t feel it was appropriate to recognize Victoria as a mother at the tea ceremony, one of her many roles in my life is as a mother, so I honored her at the breakfast with a bold Jade pendant (actually, I found out it’s a stone called Adventurine) to signify that role in my life. I would be very proud to be her daughter. Of course I said all of this with tears of joy in my eyes.
Time started getting short and I knew I would probably need a chunk of time to shellac and polish my way to stardom. So, we wrapped up the event with a quick group pic on the back porch, some hugs and I was off!
Details: Post Rehearsal Party

I put word out that after the rehearsal dinner, we would be heading to Beth’s condo and anyone could join us. As part of her gift to us, Beth rented a four bedroom unit right on the beach and it became an excellent support space for wedding activities. That night, Dad organized a huge game of poker, which we dubbed The Texas Hold ‘Em Honeymoon Tournament. 50% of the pot would go to the Honeymoon Fund! I have to say it was nice to sit down at the table and already own half of the pot. I definitely felt like I had nothing to lose. I liked the idea of splitting the pot because I think it helped encourage some people to play that normally wouldn’t just to help send us off in style. Well, I made it to the final table and was slowly getting beat down by the power players. I made my move and went all in on a pair of Kings against Eric’s pair of 8’s. Everyone gathered round. I was feeling fairly indestructible when the flop revealed a third King. But, when the turn showed an 8, for a moment, I thought I was beat. The crowd reminded me that he would still have to pull out another 8. One card. Only one card would save him. We all prepared to bid Eric farewell and I began to figure out how to slide his massive pile of chips towards me when the river card was revealed. Aahhhhhh! An Eight! An 8! He was spared and I was eliminated. I began chanting, “I was robbed!" Eric felt pretty bad for knocking out the bride-to-be and I laid on the guilt in an attempt to assuage my ego. But, actually, I’m quite proud to be part of one of the greatest hands I have ever seen played out. OK, it took little skill on either of our parts, but it sure was as exciting as it could have been. Eric went on to take home the pot and as a gesture of good will, he gave us the whole kitty. I insisted he take at least his buy-in x 2. The $200 Fund was put towards two wonderful dinners out and tickets for a tour of the old gold mines when we stayed in Julian for our honeymoon.
While all the action at the tables was going on, busy bees were buzzing away in the kitchen assisting Toby with the Cake. There was much to do. Toby was given about 300 miniature cupcakes, supplies she requested for a basic icing, chocolate shell candies, 300 skewers and some styrofoam shapes. She began constructing a most original cake, that we nicknamed Sputnik after the original concept was drawn up. There were several issues that came to light that prevented her from going with the original design, but I very much enjoyed watching her creatively improvise and delegate tasks to her volunteer sous chefs including Justine and Victoria and probably a few others. I love how it came out and everyone seemed to appreciate the design and taste.
And, if that weren’t enough entertainment, Beth’s place came with a hot tub, Several people, including me, took advantage of the beachside bubbles and midnight moon view. It was pretty heavenly, I gotta say. And it’s convinced Daryl and I to consider adding a hot tub to our list of future amenities for our southwest oasis.
One of the big surprises for the evening was to see our childhood friend, Al (Now Vince) Williams and meet his beautiful wife, April. I haven’t seen him in 20 years. Jason, Al and I were very close and I hardly recognized him when he walked in the room. But, as soon as I hugged him, I felt like we were all twelve again ready to stay up all night playing games and drinking Dr Pepper. It was so surreal to know the three of us are all grown up, parents and spouses. I felt like it was an inside joke: the three of us sitting around pretending to be adults while all the while we could look at each other giggling inside knowing we were just wearing adult costumes. Shhh. Don’t tell anyone. Tee hee. Anyway, he was all grown up into a fine young man, which pleasantly surprised me since he was such a teenage terror. We think of him as an extended brother and I think we all felt like we would make good efforts to stay in touch and maybe even visit. We’ll be up in Oregon for Christmas which is very near where Vince lives now, so we might try to rendezvous.
Several people commented how much they enjoyed these more casual events. It gave us lots of time to catch up with people. I had already prepared myself and warned my guests that I would probably not get a lot of one-on-one time. But, at times it felt more like a family reunion than a wedding.
Details: Rehearsal Dinner

Immediately following the Tea Ceremony, we all headed over to the Jolly Roger Restaurant for the Rehearsal Dinner. We kept it to parents and wedding party, which I was worried about at first since so many people had traveled so far to be with us, but once we were there, we were really glad. It was an intimate, quiet atmosphere and it gave us a chance to thank all the key people in our lives without a lot of fanfare. And there would be plenty of time for us to see everyone else in the coming hours and days.
Dad started us off treating us to a champagne toast and appetizers. The round tables had been pushed together to make one long banquet table, which was not very conducive to conversation or pictures. And, we didn’t plan a seating arrangement. Looking back, it would have been better for us to sit in the middle where we could feel a little more connected to everyone at the table, although I don’t think anyone felt left out. I stayed in my traditional Vietnamese wedding dress so everyone could enjoy it. The meal was good. It was too dark to enjoy the harbor view, but the atmosphere of the restaurant was peaceful. Jim & Mom picked up the remaining tab, which was a nice surprise for us. Thank you to both Dads for treating us to our rehearsal dinner!
Details: Tea Ceremony

This was the dark horse event. Everyone who attended told me it was the favorite part of the weekend. As most of you know, my Mom is Vietnamese. So, I asked her if she would incorporate some traditions from the Vietnamese wedding ceremony. She suggested adding a tea ceremony. Traditionally, it occurs on the morning of the wedding, but we decided to have it prior to the rehearsal dinner. At the ceremony, my Mom explained the purpose and some of the history of the ceremony. She also described the story of the decorative fruit on the table. The story says there was a couple deeply in love, but were not allowed to be together because they were from different economic backgrounds. But, when they died, they were buried side by side and on one grave grew a fruit and on the other a vine. As they grew, they intertwined. Legend has it wherever you find the fruit, you will find the vine. I'm the fruit. Definitely.
Daryl and I presented our new in-laws with a cup of either tea or sake and thanked them for inviting us into their family and then bowed our heads. If they accept us, then they drink. Luckily, all the parents drank! Ken and Jim particularly enjoyed every drop of their sake (see pics). Then they had an opportunity to say how they feel. There were a lot of happy tears. Traditionally, at this point, they would present the bride with gold and jade jewelry symbolizing respectively good luck and good health. But, I didn’t feel it was appropriate to ask my future in-laws to bedazzle me in jewelry, especially after giving us so much and extending themselves to be there. So, we reversed the tradition and I found baubles to give them, which I really enjoyed. I presented Donna with some jade dangle earrings and Marion with a traditional circular jade pendant. Daryl surprised me by presenting my Mom with a sterling pendant in the shape pf a stylized Phoenix. My Mom surprised me by giving me several pieces she’d been saving for me: A jade necklace, bracelet and earrings!
I’m so glad I asked Mom to put this together. She looked beautiful in a turquoise dress she actually borrowed from me. I was wearing a traditional Chinese Wedding outfit my Mom had custom made. I gave her my measurements a couple of months ago, so it was nice to try it on and have it be too big! Mom did some last minute alterations to get it fitting just so. There was an outer jacket with hand painted dragons and flaming suns. The inside was a lavender dress with hot pink accents. On the pink panels, there is a phoenix at the top and a dragon below. The fabric crown you see in the pictures is a tradition that goes back a long way. Mom’s not sure of the symbolism, but I can’t help but think of a crown for a princess. Ryan did my hair and it complimented the crown perfectly. The girls also stayed for the ceremony to help out with the babies. Victoria and Aku attended and volunteered to photograph the event. It’s also traditional for me to have my best friend their, so I asked Beth and Eric to join us.
At the last minute, Mom informed everyone of the tradition of gifting the bride with money. Everyone wanted to try it, but no one was prepared for this, so they all rustled up some one dollar bills and stuffed them into my sleeve. It was pretty funny.
The Tea Ceremony was such a nice addition and kickoff to the weekend’s events, I feel like it should be part of every wedding. It was so touching, Daryl and I almost felt like we were already married after that ceremony. But, there was so much more to come!
Details: Preparation

Mom and Victoria joined me one week early to kick off the party. Essentially, I didn't do anything in terms of party preparation until they arrived, so there was a lot to do. With Phoenix around, we divided the duties into thirds with one person always on Phoenix Patrol. The other two would be busy cooking, sewing or shopping. I asked both V & Mom to plan and make one side dish with enough to serve 50! Mom made her famous Fried Rice and Victoria made a light pasta dish using pasta shells in keeping with the beach theme! Both were not only great to supplement the Reception food, but became perfect meals for the rest of the week allowing us to save lots of time avoiding the kitchen. V made mini chocolate cupcakes from scratch from a recipe I downloaded from the internet and Mom made her famous carrot cake mini cupcakes. I asked my sister Toby to help us with the cake, but since her time was limited before the ceremony, we thought it might help her if the cakes were ready ahead of time. I froze them hearing that keeps them fresh, but it ended up causing the cake to do some weird things that made the original design impossible to construct. But, Toby ended up doing a great job improvising at the eleventh hour. You can see a photo of the cake in the Victoria Wedding Photos.
Starting Thursday, Victoria, Beth and I kicked off the fun with a trip to the local Farmers Market. We shopped for dips, veggies and fruits. We also picked up yellow Mums and Sunflowers for the bouquets. We wrapped up our tour with pedicures followed by sushi! At that point, reinforcements started arriving. Donna and Ken arrived along with Ryan and Carl. We put them all to work immediately with Phoenix duties. After that point, everything accelerated to a full frenzy.
Photos of Wedding
The photos are starting to come in. My Dad has volunteered to consolidate the photos. If you have some, I'd appreciate if you send him your raw images. If you send some, he'll send you back a DVD. You can send them to:
Toby Younis
1057 Wildcat Hollow Road
Boyce, Virginia 22620
You can also send me the link to your photos if you upload them somewhere and I can post them here.
Here's the link to Dad's beautiful photos:
I'll be posting Victoria's later today.
Toby Younis
1057 Wildcat Hollow Road
Boyce, Virginia 22620
You can also send me the link to your photos if you upload them somewhere and I can post them here.
Here's the link to Dad's beautiful photos:
I'll be posting Victoria's later today.
Wedding Summary

I'm posting blogs detailing each event during our wedding weekend extravaganza mostly for my own record, but this article is intended as a review of the whole event. It was really incredibly perfect. The weather had been particularly foggy and cold the week before and I became concerned about keeping everyone warm during the outdoor reception. But, just as everyone began to arrive at the end of the week, the fog lifted and the air warmed. The sun glowed right on cue during the exchange of vows. As Daryl and I reflected on the weekend over our honeymoon drive, we marveled at the fact that every person who made the trek to join us contributed in making it a memorable event. It was a wonderful balance between festive and intimate. And, so many of you conveyed not only how much you enjoyed coming, but how the ceremony suited us and reflected us as a couple. I described it to Daryl's sister, Lisa over the phone after everything had quieted down. Giving birth to Phoenix last year was special in it's depth of intimacy surrounded by those I love. But, the wedding has been like a wave of warmth crashing over us and overwhelming us in the best way. I surprised myself by tearing up all weekend being moved by so many thoughtful gestures from every direction. I thought I might get weepy during the ceremony, but I had no idea I would be ambushed with love throughout the week and found myself tearing up repeatedly, which is out of character for me. I apologize for sounding so sappy, but if you can’t get a little sappy over your wedding day, it’s never going to happen.
I wanted to create several opportunities for people to join us in addition to the ceremony itself so we might have a chance to catch up during more informal gatherings. Some of the events included the Tea Ceremony and Rehearsal Dinner Friday, the Ceremony and Reception on Saturday and a Rolling Breakfast Sunday. Each event had it’s own personality. I’ll go into lots of detail in each event blog to capture the memories fully so I can savor it just a little longer. We had a chance to spend a little time with everyone and it seemed everyone got along like old friends. People traveled from as far as Washington, DC, some driving from as far as Phoenix and San Francisco. Some left new babies at home, some came with new babies or a car full of kids. All made sacrifices to be with us. Friends from college, high school and even childhood came and I felt like I walked into an episode of This is Your Life. Mom & Victoria came out an entire week early to help me plan. Several ex-brides advised me I try to enjoy the ceremony and reception as it will go by fast. I remember during the ceremony avoiding eye contact with Daryl to help me control my tears. I cannot recall our eyes engaged like that ever unless it was an exchange of love in reference to Phoenix so it certainly overwhelmed me. The words of advice came to mind at that moment and I really tried to take in the Reverend’s words and feel the wind and see the color of the light from the setting sun. I remember someone kicking a ball into the air at that moment in the background on the beach and I thought how special this moment would be, marked in my memory. But, just in case, here it is in writing!
During the Rehearsal Dinner and again at the Sister’s Breakfast, I posed the question, “What is it that one can promise forever before God and peers to solidify a relationship?” We hadn’t yet reviewed the ceremony text and I became concerned that I might be promising something that I did not mean! I became fixated on the thought that there was no single word someone could promise and keep throughout the lifespan of a marriage. The promise had to have flexibility built in to it, not to abuse and eek out of a tight corners, but to grow and change as the couple and the circumstances of the couple might grow and change. I didn’t even feel it was appropriate to promise to Love because love seems the result of other things and not something to be controlled directly. In talking it over, some of the common words were communication, respect and consideration. And, it seems to make sense to promise to put your partner’s needs and wants before your own. But, even that, I started thinking of lots of loopholes. But, it is certainly a good place to start. I’ve never believed the word “compromise” is part of a good relationship because it implies both people are making sacrifices and are somewhat unhappy. I believe there are clever solutions to any given situation and through communication and understanding, a result that is not only mutually tolerable, but mutually beneficial can result. That might not be true, but that is what I believe and that is always how Daryl and I have approached problems, like we do design problems. The results always end up better than either of us could achieve individually. After pondering my question for several days, I think I could promise to strive to always Ask, Listen and Answer and ask the same of him. The act of asking shows caring, listening shows respect and answering shows understanding. And all three insure communication. But, it’s in the questions that Daryl asks of me and the answers that he gives that I have found my love for him. So, I suppose I could promise to do those three little things. And, I promise to extend those signs of caring, respect and understanding to those that are important to Daryl, too.
So, now I stand on the precipice of Happily Ever After and I wonder nervously what comes next because I’m the sort that scoffs at the tidy endings to romantic movies. I suppose I know enough to know it’s not tidy and it’s not an ending. And, I also know it’s not more of the same. Something’s changed. And, I don’t know what that means. I wonder if we say something thoughtless or disrespectful to one another, is that how things are now? Of course not. Just as the Honeymoon only lasts a few days. But, I sense myself releasing a broader range of feelings. Maybe that’s why the tears flowed this weekend. I feel a little emotionally unbound. Now, we belong to one another and I feel the burden and responsibility of holding our future mutually. It is both safe and scary in new ways. And, just as I have taken each preceding step with Daryl, I look forward with giddy anticipation at this next joint venture.
I meant for this blog article to be a little more factual about the events of the weekend, but I guess as it stands it is a record of where my thoughts are right now and it feels right to post it as is. So much more to write, people to thank. I’ll save that for the detailed event blogs. But, for now, know we feel lucky, blessed and loved by one another and all of you! Photos and more detailed articles to follow!
Schedule of Events!
This will be updated nightly as we refine the information.
Hello, All! Wow! The big day is just around the corner! Here is a schedule of events. ***MOST IMPORTANTLY*** please note the shift in Ceremony time to 3PM instead of the original 4PM. I goofed and forgot to account for daylight savings time.
We will be extremely busy until Friday afternoon, so if I’m out of touch or hard to reach, just keep that in mind. If you need to contact us for last minute clarifications, maps, instructions or airport pickups, call the main house line. I plan to leave current schedule hardcopy handouts somewhere near our front door, so if you need information and can’t get to the blog, swing by our apartment. I wanted to give you a complete schedule if you want to try to intersect with us at any point or if you want to lend a hand in helping out.
We'll need help from now on with baby sitting, food prep, airport pickups, errands, and delivery. Call the main line or email your cell # if you want to volunteer at any point. Thanks! Also, feel free to contact me if you need some help locating last minute accommodations. OK, we'll see you soon!
schedule of events
•••WEDNESDAY 11/14•••
ALL DAY MISC Running errands and finishing tons of last minute projects. If you’re around, we could probably use babysitting help.
•••THURSDAY 11/15•••
9:30AM We’ll be at the Farmer’s Market located at Hwy 101 & Mission Ave in Oceanside gathering supplies. Meet us there if you like!
11:30AM PEDICURES! Mai’s Spa. 409 MISSION AVE. Feel free to stop in and treat yourself, too!
1:00PM LUNCH @
Hill Street Cafe
524 S COAST HWY (101)
AFTERNOON PREP The rest of the afternoon will be dedicated to final shopping, food prep and such. Locations to be determined.
EVENING PRE-PARTY We’ll be hanging out at Beth’s condo and/or Victoria’s condo taking advantage of the Hot Tub!
•••FRIDAY 11/16•••
MORNING More last minute food prep
4PM TEA/SAKE CEREMONY hosted by Kim & Jim Kreis by invitation @ our apartment. Please let me know if you might like to attend this quiet, traditional affair as space is limited. It might be interesting for kids? We'd like a volunteer for photographs, if someone is available and interested. We also need someone to help with the Pheonix. We'd like him there with us, but we'll all be distracted.
5PM REHEARSAL DINNER by invitation for parents and bridal party only. We encourage others to explore the harbor area at this time. There are some great restaurants along the south edge of the harbor.
Jolly Roger Restaurant
7:30PM GENERAL MEET & GREET at Beth's Condo and Poker Tourney run by Mr Younis open to all! He’ll be sending a separate email with details. We hope everyone can stop by and relax a bit before the big day. Bring a swimsuit and enjoy the hot tub, too!
•••SATURDAY 11/17•••
I’ve asked Andrea Toomey to be my designated Surrogate Mommy for the day, so please speak with her if you want some Phoenix love that day. She will have all info on his needs and whereabouts.
9:30AM SISTER'S BREAKFAST by invitation hosted by Beth Diner for my sisters and new sisters @ Beth’s condo
2:30PM SETUP If you’d like to help out with setup, you can be at the gazebo and the Wedding Planner, Denise can instruct you on how to help.
3:00PM CEREMONY (Please note this new time) begins at the gazebo located at 100 SOUTH THE STRAND, OCEANSIDE, CA. We're working out the start time with the reverend, so this may slide a little later, but we can use the time to gather ahead of time, set up, take photos and enjoy the sunshine.
3:30PM PHOTOS & RECEPTION to follow at this same location.
EVENING FIRESIDE S'MORES If weather permits, we might try to enjoy the firepits on the beach near the pier. If not, we’ll head back to Beth’s Condo.
•••SUNDAY 11/18•••
9AM-12PM ROLLING BREAKFAST confirmed at Victoria’s condo. Open to all! This will be a chance for us to have more time to talk with people in a relaxed atmosphere. Please stop in and say goodbye at your convenience.
•••MONDAY 11/19-WEDNESDAY 11/21•••
HONEYMOONING in a B&B at Julian, CA! Do not disturb unless your name is Donna or Ken Anderson (they have our baby!)
•••THURSDAY 11/22•••
ALL DAY If you’re still in town, let us know. We plan to do some pre-fab Thanksgiving thing and you’re welcome to join us!
Hello, All! Wow! The big day is just around the corner! Here is a schedule of events. ***MOST IMPORTANTLY*** please note the shift in Ceremony time to 3PM instead of the original 4PM. I goofed and forgot to account for daylight savings time.
We will be extremely busy until Friday afternoon, so if I’m out of touch or hard to reach, just keep that in mind. If you need to contact us for last minute clarifications, maps, instructions or airport pickups, call the main house line. I plan to leave current schedule hardcopy handouts somewhere near our front door, so if you need information and can’t get to the blog, swing by our apartment. I wanted to give you a complete schedule if you want to try to intersect with us at any point or if you want to lend a hand in helping out.
We'll need help from now on with baby sitting, food prep, airport pickups, errands, and delivery. Call the main line or email your cell # if you want to volunteer at any point. Thanks! Also, feel free to contact me if you need some help locating last minute accommodations. OK, we'll see you soon!
schedule of events
•••WEDNESDAY 11/14•••
ALL DAY MISC Running errands and finishing tons of last minute projects. If you’re around, we could probably use babysitting help.
•••THURSDAY 11/15•••
9:30AM We’ll be at the Farmer’s Market located at Hwy 101 & Mission Ave in Oceanside gathering supplies. Meet us there if you like!
11:30AM PEDICURES! Mai’s Spa. 409 MISSION AVE. Feel free to stop in and treat yourself, too!
1:00PM LUNCH @
Hill Street Cafe
524 S COAST HWY (101)
AFTERNOON PREP The rest of the afternoon will be dedicated to final shopping, food prep and such. Locations to be determined.
EVENING PRE-PARTY We’ll be hanging out at Beth’s condo and/or Victoria’s condo taking advantage of the Hot Tub!
•••FRIDAY 11/16•••
MORNING More last minute food prep
4PM TEA/SAKE CEREMONY hosted by Kim & Jim Kreis by invitation @ our apartment. Please let me know if you might like to attend this quiet, traditional affair as space is limited. It might be interesting for kids? We'd like a volunteer for photographs, if someone is available and interested. We also need someone to help with the Pheonix. We'd like him there with us, but we'll all be distracted.
5PM REHEARSAL DINNER by invitation for parents and bridal party only. We encourage others to explore the harbor area at this time. There are some great restaurants along the south edge of the harbor.
Jolly Roger Restaurant
7:30PM GENERAL MEET & GREET at Beth's Condo and Poker Tourney run by Mr Younis open to all! He’ll be sending a separate email with details. We hope everyone can stop by and relax a bit before the big day. Bring a swimsuit and enjoy the hot tub, too!
•••SATURDAY 11/17•••
I’ve asked Andrea Toomey to be my designated Surrogate Mommy for the day, so please speak with her if you want some Phoenix love that day. She will have all info on his needs and whereabouts.
9:30AM SISTER'S BREAKFAST by invitation hosted by Beth Diner for my sisters and new sisters @ Beth’s condo
2:30PM SETUP If you’d like to help out with setup, you can be at the gazebo and the Wedding Planner, Denise can instruct you on how to help.
3:00PM CEREMONY (Please note this new time) begins at the gazebo located at 100 SOUTH THE STRAND, OCEANSIDE, CA. We're working out the start time with the reverend, so this may slide a little later, but we can use the time to gather ahead of time, set up, take photos and enjoy the sunshine.
3:30PM PHOTOS & RECEPTION to follow at this same location.
EVENING FIRESIDE S'MORES If weather permits, we might try to enjoy the firepits on the beach near the pier. If not, we’ll head back to Beth’s Condo.
•••SUNDAY 11/18•••
9AM-12PM ROLLING BREAKFAST confirmed at Victoria’s condo. Open to all! This will be a chance for us to have more time to talk with people in a relaxed atmosphere. Please stop in and say goodbye at your convenience.
•••MONDAY 11/19-WEDNESDAY 11/21•••
HONEYMOONING in a B&B at Julian, CA! Do not disturb unless your name is Donna or Ken Anderson (they have our baby!)
•••THURSDAY 11/22•••
ALL DAY If you’re still in town, let us know. We plan to do some pre-fab Thanksgiving thing and you’re welcome to join us!
Important Contact Information
main house line 760-529-5887
daryl’s phone 703-475-2438
my phone is missing in action, so don’t call it, but email is: sly@twilightstudio.com
wedding planner: Denise Robles (619) 987-9921
Our Apartment
821 1/2 S TREMONT ST
--It’s a commercial bld, but we have an apt on the second floor. Ours is the purple door to the right. Generally, we’re not planning to hold anything here, but you know you can come here if you’re trying to track us down.
Beth’s Condo
--My Matron of Honor found a great multi-unit place that we will use as the gathering place in between events.
Victoria’s Condo
UNIT 102
—My Big Sister rented a condo near the Ceremony location that we’ll use as a support location to the ceremony and a secondary gathering space.
daryl’s phone 703-475-2438
my phone is missing in action, so don’t call it, but email is: sly@twilightstudio.com
wedding planner: Denise Robles (619) 987-9921
Our Apartment
821 1/2 S TREMONT ST
--It’s a commercial bld, but we have an apt on the second floor. Ours is the purple door to the right. Generally, we’re not planning to hold anything here, but you know you can come here if you’re trying to track us down.
Beth’s Condo
--My Matron of Honor found a great multi-unit place that we will use as the gathering place in between events.
Victoria’s Condo
UNIT 102
—My Big Sister rented a condo near the Ceremony location that we’ll use as a support location to the ceremony and a secondary gathering space.
Rooms available for rent!

Beth is looking into renting an extra large unit to serve as a meeting hub. She found an excellent deal on this place that is right on the beach and parallel to our apartment. I think she has three rooms available for $300 each (for up to three nights--that's $100/night!). Each room has a king bed and an additional bunk of some sort. Please contact us ASAP if you are interested. email bethdiner@hotmail.com.
Also, if you plan to fly in please send me your arrival and departure times as well as airport. I'll try to coordinate with other flyers to consolidate airport runs.
Frequently Asked Questions and Other Info

I thought I'd answer a few questions that seem to be lingering.
What should I wear? Cocktail attire is great for those invited to the rehearsal dinner. It is a mid range restaurant with no dress code that I'm aware of .
The Ceremony and Rehearsal will be held next to the beach, but it is a paved and covered area. It is always breezy by the water and the tempurature has been colder than average by about 15 degrees. We're hoping for an indian summer, but suggest you plan to have a jacket. I would just plan to layer. I will be in a fairly formal gown. Daryl won't be wearing a tux or jacket. I believe my Dad plans on wearing a suit. Suits and ties not necessary. Heels are fine since the area is paved. We'll have a couple of heat lamps as well. And, don't forget your swimsuits/wetsuits if you're going to brave a dip!
What should I bring? We are just happy to have this amazing turnout! Currently we expect 60 people. You can refer to the Registry Info article for more information.
How can I help? Let me know when you will be in town and make sure I have a way to reach you and I promise I will give you some assignments. We've got lots of little projects planned for the week that we could use some help getting wrapped up. There will be lots of last minute stuff, too.
Is it OK to bring my children? Yes! We would love to see as much of your family as you can bring! We understand how much expense and coordination it takes to get the whole family out, so we don't expect everyone to show up with their posse, but children are invited to participate in all aspects of our event. We will probably ask for some volunteer babysitters at different points to keep an eye on the little ones when needed, so be sure you'll have some help. We have a lot of experienced & loving arms expected.
If you haven't done so yet, please RSVP, especially if you are a YES. I think we can guess the rest of the replies as "REGRETS," but I'd like to have a fairly solid headcount to start planning out the food and rental situation.
OK, let me know if there is anything else I can answer. I'll post a complete schedule of events on Monday. Please refer to the website for any last minute changes or additions to the schedule. It's getting close!
RSVP correction!
Well, I was really happy with the final design of the invitations, and everybody should have gotten theirs by now, but I did overlook one thing. I forgot to place the return address labels on the return postcards! So, that means when I get one of your cutely decorated postcards in the mail, I have no idea who it's from. So, if you are returning the cards (which have been so fun to receive, by the way), please indicate who it is from somewhere on the card. I got one adorned with a gingerbread man/top hat man & a lady/witch. If that sounds familiar, let me know who you are. We've tried to use deductive reasoning, but we know no gingy/sorceress couples.
The planning is well underway and I will soon be enlisting many of you to "volunteer" for different preparation tasks. I'll also be outlining a timeline of events. We're all getting really excited & it's looking to be a fun weekend.
The planning is well underway and I will soon be enlisting many of you to "volunteer" for different preparation tasks. I'll also be outlining a timeline of events. We're all getting really excited & it's looking to be a fun weekend.
More Accommodations Available!
I just got news of these--They're very cute and modern and she's extending some discounts. THey are parallel with our apartment and within walking distance of the ceremony. They also have accomoddations for larger parties as well. Here is what she sent me:
One Bedroom Beach Bungalows with Ocean View:
~835 #3 S. Pacific St.-1 bedroom 1 bath rental is available from 11/15/07 to 11/18/07 and rents for $95 per night. REDUCED 20% to $76 per night with a 3 night minimum stay.
~835 #9 S. Pacific St . - 1 bedroom 1 bath rental directly on the sand with beachfront patio is available from 11/15/07 to 11/18/07 and rents for $95 per night. REDUCED 20% to $76 per night with a 3 night minimum stay. Directly on the Sand!
Virtual Tours on www.BeachFrontOnly.com Availability calendars and online booking is now available.
Beachfront Only Vacation Rentals
Phone: 760 840-0535
Fax: 760 231-5468
email: info@beachfrontonly.com
website: www.beachfrontonly.com
One Bedroom Beach Bungalows with Ocean View:
~835 #3 S. Pacific St.-1 bedroom 1 bath rental is available from 11/15/07 to 11/18/07 and rents for $95 per night. REDUCED 20% to $76 per night with a 3 night minimum stay.
~835 #9 S. Pacific St . - 1 bedroom 1 bath rental directly on the sand with beachfront patio is available from 11/15/07 to 11/18/07 and rents for $95 per night. REDUCED 20% to $76 per night with a 3 night minimum stay. Directly on the Sand!
Virtual Tours on www.BeachFrontOnly.com Availability calendars and online booking is now available.
Beachfront Only Vacation Rentals
Phone: 760 840-0535
Fax: 760 231-5468
email: info@beachfrontonly.com
website: www.beachfrontonly.com
RSVP to Invitation
1. 11/16 THE REHEARSAL DINNER: Only open to the wedding party & parents due to budgetary constraints.
3. 11/18 THE ROLLING BREAKFAST: Stop in anytime 9am-12pm to see us off if you can! Location TBD
4. JANUARY NEW MEXICO RECEPTION: Details to be determined. We will be having a follow-up reception as an opportunity for my many family members to engage in the ceremony who are unable to travel. We plan to have a small gathering at a public place with food and photos of the ceremony. Obviously, you may not be able to commit, but please indicate if you have interest in this opportunity.
To RSVP using the paper invitation, tear at the perforation. Keep the top for yourself. Fill out the card. Send back the bottom half. Some RSVP's fold. If yours folds, it should have a sticky strip at the bottom with a peel away protector to seal. Then, just drop it in the mail. Thanks!
New Mexico Reception
Kim & Jim Kreis have graciously offered to host a seperate reception in New Mexico so I can share our ceremony (and our wonderful new family) with all of our New Mexico friends and family, especially those unable to travel for various reasons. We plan to provide an evening of fun and will have a slide show so everyone can enjoy photos from the original ceremony. You may, of course, choose to attend either the San Diego event or the New Mexico event, or both. Thank you to Mom and Jim for generously sponsoring what is sure to be a fun time!
Registry Information
We do not expect gifts beyond the presence of as many of our family and friends as are able to celebrate with us. We have had exceptionally good fortune and lots of support to date so we have few material needs. Now, wants is another story ;) We have not officially registered anywhere yet, but I've had several inquiries about what we might appreciate. Well, it looks likely that Family Wells will be moving in the very near future. We are working on secret plans to move into a little Wells Residence that will need a great deal of TLC. So, with those facts in mind, if you would like to send a gift, here are some suggestions that are guaranteed to find a good home:
• gold bars
• gift cards to Lowes, Home Depot, Target
• jewels owned by the King of Spain, Princess Di or Liberace
• gift cards to restaurants (we love to eat out)
• generally, edible items are very desirable
• for the New Mexicans, modern looking Nambe' metalware (new or vintage!)
• seized government items from Columbian Druglords (preferably property)
• for all our artistic, epicurean and crafty friends, we would really appreciate hand crafted items (you know who you are). Some ideas, photos, scrap books, art or crafts.
• Apple stock from 1985
• under the everything else category, small non-breakable items would be most appreciated
OK, I'm just posting this at the request of our many fans. I hope it helps and does not offend.
• gold bars
• gift cards to Lowes, Home Depot, Target
• jewels owned by the King of Spain, Princess Di or Liberace
• gift cards to restaurants (we love to eat out)
• generally, edible items are very desirable
• for the New Mexicans, modern looking Nambe' metalware (new or vintage!)
• seized government items from Columbian Druglords (preferably property)
• for all our artistic, epicurean and crafty friends, we would really appreciate hand crafted items (you know who you are). Some ideas, photos, scrap books, art or crafts.
• Apple stock from 1985
• under the everything else category, small non-breakable items would be most appreciated
OK, I'm just posting this at the request of our many fans. I hope it helps and does not offend.

We're encouraging people to stay between the pier and our home. There are lots of quaint little rental cottages along the beach that are very reasonable this time of year. If you take a moment to review the maps I've included, your hunt for a rental will be easier. Units located on the road called "S. the Strand" are oceanfront. Units located on S. Pacific have great ocean views because S. Pacific Street is raised above to roof height of S. the Strand. Basically, the zero blocks start at the pier and we are located in the 800 block. There are really no traditional hotels that I would recommend in the area.
So any rentals with addresses between 0-800 on either S. the Strand Street or S. Pacific Street would be ideal.
Please keep in mind, Oceanside is a beach community so most of these accommodations have a relaxed atmosphere. If you prefer something a little more refined, I suggest looking at options in our neighboring town, Carlsbad. You may also wish to review the Oceanside Marina Inn. The Younis Clan will be staying there courtesy of Mr. Younis (his gift to us!). I don't know if that will discourage or encourage you to stay there. But here is the info:
Oceanside Marina Inn
2008 Harbor Dr N
Oceanside, CA 92054
(760) 722-1561
You can click on "Accommodations" under "Links and Photos" to the left to see photos I've taken of some sample rentals along S. the Strand Street and S. Pacific Street.
Here is some additional information for some of the options along the water:
308 S. the Strand: AKA Land's End. Located on the beach. We've had several people stay at Land's End and have had mixed reviews. It's very affordable at around $100/night and located centrally right on the beach, but the rooms can be tight and the beds are mediocre. email chrisatlandsend@aol.com | (760) 721-8000 | www.homeaway.com
213 S. Pacific St Sandy Beach Cottage Inn: www.sandybeachcottageinn.com (702) 234-6416. It's address is S. Pacific, but it is located right on the water. They just sent me this note:
Terri asked that I forward this new price list and let you know that she is willing to give you and your guests an additional 15% off should at least three units be rented. The website is uploaded with all the changes should you wish to visit us at www.sandybeachcottageinn.com .
Thank you,
one 2 bedroom, 2 bath
one 2 bedroom, 1 bath
one 1 bedroom, 1 bath
all have complete kitchens
Here's a note I received from a Property Manager with some reasonable rentals:
Hello Sean, Here are a few of our properties for rent that time of year.
312 S. Strand $250.00 a night sleeps 6
304 S. Pacific Street $250.00 a night sleeps 4
304 S. Pacific Street $250.00 a night sleeps 6
My friend I co-op with may have others on that street too.
You can also contact either Barksdale Properties at (760) 722-6161. They seem to have a lot of rentals in the determined area. Keep in mind, it is the off season and many of these people are happy to have someone staying at all. So, shop around. There are some great deals. I'm sorry I'm not distilling this more for you. I just want to leave some options open for the range of guests we're expecting.
Welcome to our Wedding Website!
I wanted to create a place that people could go to get current information for our wedding.
Content will appear on the right, where you see this text now. To the left, you will find links to all the information posted to date. It will eventually include maps, photos, instructions, registry information, dates and times. The archives hold all postings with the most recent listed towards the top.
ACCOMMODATIONS: We will be posting suggestions for accomodations soon.
TRAVEL: We recommend you fly in to CLD Carlsbad Airport (MClellan Palomar Airport). You'll save the difference in gas, parking and frustration. It's about 15 minutes from our home. Second choice is SAN San Diego Airport. We don't recommend LA airports unless you're visiting with someone there, too.
PLACE: The wedding will be held in the afternoon in a simple outdoor ceremony near the pier in Oceanside, CA followed by a family style picnic.
DATE: The date of our ceremony is now November 17, 2007. We will be planning a variety of activities November 15-18 for anyone that may be in town. I apologize to anyone I've inconvenienced by shifting the date. This date is the weekend before Thanksgiving. Of course we want each and every one of you with us to celebrate, but we truly understand the hardship of travel. If you are unable to join us, we will look forward to seeing you soon to celebrate all over again!
TIME: We haven't nailed down the exact time, but we're planning sometime between 2pm and 4pm to allow guests to fly in that morning if they like.
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